
Jan – Mar 2023


Discover and Resolve the Attachment Patterns that are Preventing you from Being Truly Authentic in your Relationships and in Your Life. 

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Attachment patterns are learned; often in the first 24 months of life, before you had even developed verbal memory.  The level of comfort that you feel when you’re close with someone, the degree that you value and prioritize romantic intimacy in your life, the level of self-esteem and self-confidence that you have, the belief that your needs matter and that you can get those needs met in this lifetime… Even whether you are the one that makes the decision for the group or if you stay back and keep to yourself, they all are directly influenced by your attachment style.  And they often exist at a pre-conscious level of thinking; just at the edge of your fingertips.  You can see the patterns acting themselves out in our life and in your relationships, but they just seem so hard to change.  Insecure attachment may be at the bottom of this. 

The Good News: We Can Change It

Join our next group journey to start the process of restructuring your attachment patterns so that you can give and receive more love, improve your self-esteem and self-worth, reduce your stress, and step into your full potential, among many other benefits….

 “I can’t quite describe it, but it is as if the base layer of my psyche has greater sturdiness and stability.” -Client in Austin, TX

This group is split into six online sessions, two hours in length, conducted on Zoom.  Each session will consist of periods of didactic teaching, experiential exercises, demonstrations, videos, recordings, and more….


Session Dates & Times

We will meet every other Sunday from 12 pm to 2 pm Pacific Time, starting Sunday, January 15, 2023, and culminating on March 26, 2023.  The sessions are listed below for your convenience.

Sun Jan 15, 12-2pm US Pacific Time
Sun Jan 29, 12-2pm US Pacific Time
Sun Feb 12, 12-2pm US Pacific Time
Sun Feb 26, 12-2pm US Pacific Time
Sun Mar 12, 12-2pm US Pacific Time
Sun Mar 26, 12-2pm US Pacific Time

Sessions will be recorded and available to all participants. If you need to miss a session, let us know and we will make sure you can get caught up with a recording.


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What to Expect from this Group


Based on the safety, attunement, and availability of our caregivers during our childhood, we develop what John Bowlby termed “Internal Working Models.”  These IWMs, consist of both conscious and subconscious stories, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about ourselves and the world that either nourish and cultivate healthy self-development or, conversely, interfere with healthy self-development if the caregiving is misattuned.  But, there is a solution.  

There will be some didactic and learning portions of this group where knowledge will be the focus.  But most importantly,  we will emphasize ways to identify your own attachment patterns, and to address and resolve the old attachment injuries that may even be having an impact on your behavior right now.  So what will we do in this group?

  • We will begin by discussing some of the seminal studies in Attachment Theory from Bowlby, Main & Ainsworth, and others to develop a fundamental and foundational understanding of Attachment Theory
  • Gain understanding of the  “internal working models” of attachment that we develop as children that keep us stuck in old patterns
  • Learn about the adult manifestations of the primary attachment patterns; preoccupied, dismissing , and secure, as well as how unresolved trauma or loss can affect attachment status and overall coherence of mind
  • We will take a detailed look at the 5 qualities of secure attachment in relationships 
  • Discover simple evidence-based techniques to Improve Your Relationships and foster healthy self-development and emotional regulation
  • You will have the opportunity to break into groups of 2 and 4 to practice relating to others in a secure way using the 5 qualities, while building connections with other people engaged in the same work
  • You will experience the amazingly efficient therapeutic method created by Dr. Brown and Dr. Elliott (2016) of co-creating secure imagery of ideal parent figures (IPF) with a therapist.   This is a rare opportunity to share space with an expert at this work; to see how this work can restructure the old, limiting Internal Working Model to a new Secure model   (This is also a sneak peak into the focus of Level II).


If you register before January 1, 2023, $150 will be deducted from the total fee.  You will be charged $200 on 3 consecutive months for a total of $600.  This breaks down to $100 per each 2 hour group session.   If you have an alternative plan you would like to discuss, we are very open to collaborating and finding a payment plan that is manageable.  After January 1, the fee will go up to $750 and 3 monthly $250 payments.

Before January 1, 2023

Upon registration – $200

Feb 12, 2023 – $200

March 12, 2023 – $200

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The healing has been profound, and I have the deepest gratitude for what is being provided here.” -I.T.

This Course is Ideal for You If…

  • You have read popular books (such as Attached) or internet articles about Attachment Theory and want to go deeper
  • You are actively working with a therapist or coach on repairing your insecure attachment patterns, and you want to improve your understanding of attachment theory and connect with others who are also doing this work
  • You are a clinician and want to start incorporating Adult Attachment and the Three Pillars method into your practice

Course Instructors


Dr. Zack Bein is a psychologist and founder of The Adult Attachment Program. He specializes in Three Pillars therapy and using Ideal Parent Figure (IPF) imagery for healing attachment disturbances in adults.  Zack trained with the creators of the treatment, Drs. Daniel Brown and David Elliot. He has done thousands of hours of attachment repair work with clients from all around the world.  He is also the sole author of a chapter in the upcoming “Clinical Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview” sequel, where he details how to use the AAI to directly inform the Three Pillars work.


Josh Kelly is a Professional Attachment Coach and a Clinical Intern at the Adult Attachment Program. He facilitates co-created imagery of ideal parent figures for  adults with unhealthy relationship patterns, and has extensive experience in individual and interpersonal meditation. 

Gabrielle Tabor is the newest member to the Adult Attachment Program team. She is an ICF certified Professional Life Coach, with a particular interest in Attachment Coaching and helping adults heal from attachment disturbances. Gabrielle holds a master’s degree from the University of Salamanca in Spain.

What are People Saying About Our Work?

The Adult Attachment Program

“I am so grateful to Dr. Bein and the three pillars practice. This practice has proven transformative in my relationship to myself and others. I cannot recommend The Adult Attachment Program enough. If we repair our attachment wounds, we could alleviate so much suffering in the world.”

The Adult Attachment Program

Dr. Zach Bein has exceptional knowledge in the field of attachment theory. He combines his knowledge of attachment theory with mindfulness through the 3 pillars model. This work is very aligned with other heavyweights in the field of childhood development such as Dr. Gabor Mate and Dr. Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory. Zach’s deep understanding that mind and body are connected are pivotal in helping heal old wounding. If you’re looking for someone who can help make sense of your anxiety, of how your mind works, or why you hold onto certain beliefs, I can’t recommend a better practitioner of attachment restoration. Dr. Zach Bein has exceptional knowledge in the field of attachment theory. He combines his knowledge of attachment theory with mindfulness through the 3 pillars model. This work is very aligned with other heavyweights in the field of childhood development such as Dr. Gabor Mate and Dr. Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory. Zach’s deep understanding that mind and body are connected are pivotal in helping heal old wounding. If you’re looking for someone who can help make sense of your anxiety, of how your mind works, or why you hold onto certain beliefs, I can’t recommend a better practitioner of attachment restoration. Dr. Zach Bein has exceptional knowledge in the field of attachment theory. He combines his knowledge of attachment theory with mindfulness through the 3 pillars model. This work is very aligned with other heavyweights in the field of childhood development such as Dr. Gabor Mate and Dr. Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory. Zach’s deep understanding that mind and body are connected are pivotal in helping heal old wounding. If you’re looking for someone who can help make sense of your anxiety, of how your mind works, or why you hold onto certain beliefs, I can’t recommend a better practitioner of attachment restoration.

Existing Client, Austin, TX

Five Stars Rating Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - iStock
I’ve been working with Dr. Zach and his Adult Attachment Program for the past 9 months and my attachment insecurity, sense of self, and overall mental health has been transformed! When I came into the program I had daily attachment anxiety and most of my energy was being used just to keep my anxieties at bay. And without a strong sense of self, I was also struggling to find a sense of meaningful direction in life – to know who I am and what I want. Although I’m not done with the work yet, I can typically calm attachment anxieties or disrupting states of mind quickly. And my sense of self has developed significantly to the point where I have a strong direction in life and I’m excited about the training I’m doing now to help others. I highly recommend Ideal Parent Figures coaching, Dr. Zach, and the Adult Attachment Program!

Existing Client, New York

Five Stars Rating Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - iStock For decades I have struggled with what I’ve called “wounded conditioning” around relationship. Even after years of therapy and spiritual practices I couldn’t get past my struggles with feeling safe and comfortable in connection. I would sometimes fall into painful despair. Then while on a retreat at IMS a Dharma teacher gave an explanation of Attachment Theory and a description of a new healing modality. It glowed brightly, and I moved from the darkness towards this light. Eventually the journey led to The Adult Attachment Program. The healing has been profound, and I have the deepest gratitude for what is being provided here. The guided IPF visualizations have allowed for a primordial intelligence to operate through the mind’s eye and address the “wounded conditioning” at the level the wounds were created. We can leave new loving imprints on our Psyche and work with a sort of neuroplasticity to heal. There is growing insight into areas that were once only dark and confusing. I am so grateful for finding my way to the Adult Attachment Program. I used to think that perhaps I was truly “broken” but It’s not true. I’m now connecting with others in the ways I have always longed for. Sign Me Up

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